Grandpa Lucky


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6 Years and 6 Months old


Grandpa Lucky

I have the weirdest name. What is that? "Grandpa Lucky. Sounds like I had a lot of luck in my short life, but I am not quite sure of all that. I just look like a Grandpa because I have lived outside most of the time and it is hard on a fella. I am only about 6 years old we think.

First off, I was fished out of a river and taken to the city dog pound. I can't tell you how I got into the river, but foster mom suspects I had a little help with that. Well, it was lucky that I got fished out, but then I went to the city pound where I had 3 days before my time was up...literally.

But then I got lucky again because foster mom saw me and just had to have me to foster so I got a ticket out of there. I was a pretty skinny dude when she got me, and it wasn't too long before she discovered that I love to eat.

She noticed that I was having a little trouble walking on my back legs and that wasn't so good so when we got me checked out, it turns out that I have a little compression of my T4 to T6 vertebrae, whatever that is. Not good. But the vet lady said that nothing needed to be done for that so that was lucky. So, when I get a little tired, I hop like a bunny and the other times when I feel good, I walk like a regular dog.

I had some tests done on my blood and I have worms living in my heart of all places. I am told that is not good. But it is lucky for me that foster mommy is giving me the medicines to kill those little varmints over time and not all at once. She said it is easier on me if we do it this way. Plus, it is lucky that I get the medicine in a little bit of tasty food that I love. Did I tell you I like to eat?

About that, foster mommy tells me I can't gain too much weight, or it will be too hard on my joints and back and that won't be good. Aren't I lucky to have her to take care of me? The one complaint I have with foster mommy is that she doesn't have enough time to let me sleep in her lap during the day. I would like to have a lap in my new forever home and someone who will love me as much as foster mommy does.

Because of the medicines that I am taking to kill the worms in my heart, we are looking for a forever home in the San Antonio area so I wouldn't have to travel so far. Besides having a lap to sleep in during the day, I want to sleep in the bed with you at night. I can't jump off the bed though but being with you all the time is what I want.

Then I would really feel lucky!

$200 Local adoption fee (in Texas)


Adult-Only Home Preferred

Couch Potato

Good with cats

Good with Dogs

Heartworm Positive


Local only

Special Dietary Needs

Special Need

Special Needs - Meds

Ready to meet your new best friend?

Apply For Adoption


To adopt we require… all pets are indoor animals, current on vaccinations and spayed/neutered unless medical reason why and dogs on heartworm prevention.


Adults are $200 and under a year is $250 in Texas.

Out of state adoptions are $400 – $500.

(Specialty breeds could have higher adoption fees)

Something to Consider:

  • Puppies don't train themselves

    If you aren’t willing to train a puppy every single day, don’t get a puppy! It isn’t a one-shot deal. You have to be dedicated. And if you aren’t making progress – find someone who can help. Enroll in a puppy training class or hire a trainer. Most cities across the nation have some sort of availability for this kind of help and at different cost levels that would fit your budget.


    Puppies are going to poop a lot and pee even more; chew on everything; bite everyone; scratch people and furniture; steal things; destroy something at some point; pull on the leash; not move at all on the leash; bark; cry; beg for attention; and the list goes on. You’re going to have to walk them, bathe them, pick up everything below waist height, buy new shoes, and most importantly: TRAIN THE PUPPY NOT TO DO THESE THINGS! Ultimately, it is your responsibility to teach your puppy that this behavior is unacceptable.

  • Puppies turn into dogs...