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Terrier, Pit Bull




2 Years and 5 Months old

Meet Rio
'Member that scene from Lady and the Tramp where the dogs are sharing a single spaghetti? It's fake. I know this because no dog in their right tooting mind is going to share a pawsta string when there's an entire heckin meatball on the plate. Next thing you know we will find out that wasn't even pawsta, it was squash impersonating a pawsta :0
Either way, I'd have to have a stunt double for that scene because I do not enjoy sharing my food or treats. Foster Mom is practicing better table manners with me. Sharing is caring. She says. Which is ironical because she's never once so much as offered me even a nibble of her oreo cookies.
I litterally look like an Oreo cookie which happens to be my Foster Moms favorite treat. Hint hint, send her a pallet for all the schooling she is doing for me. I LOVE TO TRAIN and Foster Mom says I'm a super fast learner.
Indeed, I will do whatever a human wants for a food. I know my name, Rio, plus sit, come, down, come, "rest for cooperative care and a hand target. Speaking of Target, before you pick me up, be sure to stop off and get me lots of fetch toys. Get yourself something pretty too, like some chenille slippers, yeah, for yourself, I pawmise not to touch them. crosses fingers behind his back
Foster Mom has been working with me on my dog-on-dog skills because I can be a real booger. I need a special kind of dog friend. Her own personal dog Jax is serving as my mentor. Here's what Jax has to say about me "Bruh, calm down. Dude, you need a home with a chill dog that is not easily annoyed. One that won't lash out but will still correct your obnoxiousness and inappropriate play. One that will tolerate your shenanigans.
Okay, so you heard that raving review from my buddy ole pal compadre Jax. Note to self, find out what obnoxiousness, tolerate and inappropriate means, because honestly all I heard was chili dog and got hungry while visions of weenies danced in my head. 😊
Foster Mom did say, I would do best with a sturdy dog, my size or larger. I guess you need to know my size. I'm a ruff and tumble and mouthy player so your dog would have to be more of a rugby than hockey player.
I have lots of fans on the internet and they also told me to be sure to mention my floppy ears, my freckled snooter and the fact that my feet most likely smell like frito pie which I'm fairly sure is a compliment. So if it helps to butter you up with compliments, I bet you smell like cheese because I think you're grate!
Like most spunky young pups, I get the zoomies when excited. I love to play fetch and tug. I'm working on sharing my toys. I do need lots of approved chew toys such as pig ears. That reminds me, I am not good with cats. Cats are not approved toys. Cats are NOT approved toys. Worth repeating.
I am crate trained, pretty much standard pawcedure. I did also try my heck hardest to get Foster Mom to give me driving lessons, so I could add that to my skill list, but she said "No Rio, dogs can't drive. I guess she's never seen a Subaru commercial. I like car rides but I don't enjoy being restrained so we are working on that too.
I am loveable and active. Bath time and nail clip time are not a problem. Occasionally I impersonate a potato on the couch, but fun is more my taste. Foster Mom says if you are the type who enjoys entertaining antics and doesn't mind providing extra guidance, you'd be happy as my family. I would be good as an only son, but if you have current dogs that don't mind EXTRA level whippersnappers, that might work too.
Foster Mom is a professional trainer and is willing to give you tips on how to make sure I stay on the path to good boy town. I'm excited to go to goodboyville with you as long as there are snacks and pit stops along the way.
P.S. You're driving to good boy town, because 'member, Foster Mom wouldn't teach me how to drive. It's beyond her skill set.

$200 Local Adoption Fee (in Texas)
$400 Out of State Fee (includes transportation to your area)


Crate Trained

Good with Dogs


Know the breed

Needs Active Lifestyle

Older children only

Received Special Training

Ready to meet your new best friend?

Apply For Adoption

Become Virtual Foster


To adopt we require… all pets are indoor animals, current on vaccinations and spayed/neutered unless medical reason why and dogs on heartworm prevention.


Adults are $200 and under a year is $250 in Texas.

Out of state adoptions are $400 – $500.

(Specialty breeds could have higher adoption fees)

Something to Consider:

  • Puppies don't train themselves

    If you aren’t willing to train a puppy every single day, don’t get a puppy! It isn’t a one-shot deal. You have to be dedicated. And if you aren’t making progress – find someone who can help. Enroll in a puppy training class or hire a trainer. Most cities across the nation have some sort of availability for this kind of help and at different cost levels that would fit your budget.


    Puppies are going to poop a lot and pee even more; chew on everything; bite everyone; scratch people and furniture; steal things; destroy something at some point; pull on the leash; not move at all on the leash; bark; cry; beg for attention; and the list goes on. You’re going to have to walk them, bathe them, pick up everything below waist height, buy new shoes, and most importantly: TRAIN THE PUPPY NOT TO DO THESE THINGS! Ultimately, it is your responsibility to teach your puppy that this behavior is unacceptable.

  • Puppies turn into dogs...